Yoga Classes in Varkala, India

When we visited Varkala in India I was very keen to try out some different yoga teachers! (There is still no way of persuading Joshua to try yoga …) There are numerous Yoga Schools in Varkala that you can find online, and if you walk along the shop fronts of Varkala beach you’ll be bombarded with flyers for Yoga classes. So where do you start? Here’s some feedback about the classes I tried.  Continue reading “Yoga Classes in Varkala, India”

Wakeboarding at Al Forsan – Discounts!

We’ve posted about the wakeboarding park at Al Forsan Sports Resort before – check out our reviews here and here if you haven’t read them yet! We’ve survived another hot summer in the desert and now that the weather is cooling down again, we’re back to enjoying the cable park at least once a week!

Recently, we’ve discovered the following tricks to get a discount on the entrance fee, so we thought we’d share them with you here 🙂 Continue reading “Wakeboarding at Al Forsan – Discounts!”

Sailing with Abu Dhabi Sailing Academy

We started sailing in Abu Dhabi when we first move here, taking an RYA dinghy sailing course at the Hiltonia Beach club with Watercooled (article here). But, then summer came, and life got in the way. This year we’ve experienced a sailing-revival, starting with going sailing regularly at Eastern Mangroves, renting dinghies from Noukhada, but the costs added up, and we were looking to experience bigger boats. Luckily, we came across Abu Dhabi Sailing Academy, located as Yas Marina a few months ago! Josh, Dave, Charles and I, took the Intermediate Sailing course, allowing us to rent the boats, and have since been out on the water every week that we’ve been in the country. Believe me or not, if you take off at 5:30pm and sail into sunset, the temperature is actually not bad at all. Continue reading “Sailing with Abu Dhabi Sailing Academy”

Abu Dhabi & Dubai – There is always something on!

There’s always something happening in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and although you could always spend a fortune on the luxuries of life, there are in fact a lot of activities available for free. Two free events that we enjoy going to every year are certain exhibitions held at ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center), which always display some weird and wonderful things, and the Red Bull sports events.  Continue reading “Abu Dhabi & Dubai – There is always something on!”

UP and RUNNING, Dubai

When taking up running, or any kind of exercise, there is always an associated risk of injuring yourself. Now that I’ve taken my first steps towards getting into a running routine, to slowly but surely prepare myself for the madness that is the Berlin Marathon, I have concerns about the old injuries I remember experiencing during my training for the Bristol Half Marathon back in 2009. I remember terrible chin splints, and especially, a previously torn ligament getting inflamed and sore when I train too much.

With this in mind, I didn’t only look for a coach who could provide me with a safe training routine, which is now being provided to me by Full Potential, but also for a physio who could assess the source of these aches and pains I had experienced in the past. Continue reading “UP and RUNNING, Dubai”

#IGNITEDXB 5km Puma Night Race – Race #1

In preparation for the Berlin Marathon in September, my trainer decided that I should try to run approx 2 races per month over the next few months. I’ve never been good or fast at racing, but I do push myself harder than if I was just trudging along by myself. Here’s a recap of my first race in January, and the lessons I learnt 🙂  Continue reading “#IGNITEDXB 5km Puma Night Race – Race #1”

Paragliding in Spain – Day 7&8

The next video in the series of Paragliding in Spain is up. After a busy first week, we got day 7 off. Pablo was kind enough to give us a ride to Ronda, which is definitely worth a visit. Very special place! Unfortunately there was bullfight on that day, which I am not in agreement with, but I respect that this is a local custom. Hopefully someday enough Spaniards will vote to have this practice banned due to animal cruelty. Irrespective of this, Khaled, Michal and I spent a wonderful morning wandering the streets of Ronda while Josh stayed back in Algo.

Day 8 provided us with some great conditions! We flew from Levante in the morning and went back to Poniente in the evening. As we had to wait for the winds to drop, we ended up being the last ones on Poniente and had the ridge all to ourselves! Joshua, Michal and I were the last three in the air, and we only gave into coming down when the sun got too low. After doing our first tandem at Poniente just over one week ago, it was an amazing feeling to fly here by ourselves!